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Learn more about ATH token staking rewards

2024-09-01 18:48:31

Today, with the increasing development of blockchain technology, staking of ATH tokens has become an important way for investors to obtain income. This article will introduce in detail the relevant information of ATH token staking to help you better understand and participate in this process.

ATH Staking Platform Overview

The ATH token pledge platform is based on the Ethereum Mainnet and provides users with a safe and efficient pledge environment. The basic structure of staking is to lock up a certain amount of ATH tokens to earn rewards, which vary based on a variety of factors.

Staking cycle: weekly staking cycle

The staking period of ATH is one week. Each staking period starts every Thursday at 00:01 UTC and ends on the following Wednesday at 23:59 UTC. During this time period, users can obtain corresponding rewards by staking ATH tokens. It should be noted that if you stake at 00:01 every Thursday, you will not receive the staking rewards from the previous cycle.

Reward mechanism: variable rewards

The rewards for ATH staking are not fixed, but vary based on multiple factors, including the amount of ATH pledged, the duration of the pledge, the total amount of ATH in the pool, and the number of users participating in the pledge. This means that staking rewards are dynamic and investors need to adjust according to market conditions.

Reward ability: Reward ability is an important factor in determining staking rewards. The calculation is very simple: the amount of ATH you stake multiplied by the number of staking periods within your chosen lock-up period. For example, if you stake 1,000 ATH for a week, your reward power score is 1; but if you stake 1,000 ATH for a year, your reward power score is 52,000 because there are 52 weeks in a year. The higher the reward power, the richer the staking rewards, so a longer staking cycle will bring higher returns to stakers.

claim rewards

Participants can claim their rewards every Thursday, which is usually one week after staking begins. At 23:59 UTC on Wednesday after the end of each cycle, users can claim the rewards of the previous cycle. For example, if a user stakes on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, they will start receiving rewards on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

FAQ: What are the minimum and maximum staking periods? The minimum staking period for ATH is one week and the maximum is four years. The duration of each staking period must be a full number of weeks, as each ATH staking period lasts for one week.

When does the staking cycle start and end?

Staking begins after the user clicks the "Stake" button and signs the transaction. However, the staking period is calculated from 00:00 UTC every Thursday and ends at 23:59 UTC the following Wednesday. For example, if a user stakes on Tuesday, their staking will end at 23:59 UTC the following Wednesday (over 8 days in total).

When can staked tokens be withdrawn? Users can only withdraw staked tokens after the selected staking period ends. Once you select a staking period and stake ATH, you will not be able to withdraw the staked tokens early. For example, if you stake ATH for a year, you can only withdraw the staked tokens after the expiration of one year.

How are rewards distributed?

ATH staking rewards are distributed weekly based on the amount of veATH locked by the user and the duration of the staking. This is how the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is calculated. Users will also receive additional tokens from Aethir ecosystem partners, which are calculated in the same way as ATH rewards.

Advantages of participating in ATH staking: Participating in ATH staking can not only obtain staking rewards, but also contribute to the stability and security of the entire ecosystem. As more users participate in staking, the liquidity of ATH will increase, thereby promoting the growth of its value.


ATH token staking provides investors with a flexible and efficient way to earn income. By understanding the staking cycle, reward mechanism, and frequently asked questions, you can better participate in ATH staking. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced investor, ATH staking is an investment opportunity worth paying attention to.

I hope this article can help you deeply understand the information related to ATH token staking and help you succeed in your blockchain investment journey!


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