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Pendle Token Explained: Mastering the Future of Decentralized Yields

2024-09-13 18:53:41

In today's decentralized finance (DeFi) world, how to effectively manage and maximize returns has become the focus of many investors. As an innovative yield trading protocol, Pendle allows users to more flexibly control and enhance their earning potential through its unique design. This article will take an in-depth look at Pendle’s features and its importance in the DeFi ecosystem.

Basic concepts of Pendle

The core concept of Pendle is to return control of earnings to users. Traditional income management is usually affected by a variety of market factors, leading to uncertainty in return rates. For example, on lending 1,000 USDC on Aave, you might only be able to predict a 1%, 3%, or 5% return, but in reality these numbers will change with market fluctuations. In a bull market, yields tend to rise, while in a bear market they can fall.

Pendle emerged to solve this problem by creating a permissionless yield trading protocol that allows users to implement various yield management strategies to maximize their returns in different market environments.

Revenue tokenization

Pendle’s operation can be divided into three main parts, the most important of which is revenue tokenization. This process packages “interest-bearing tokens” into standardized yield tokens (SY). For example, convert stETH to SY-stETH so that the underlying interest-bearing token is compatible with Pendle’s automated market maker (AMM).

In the process of revenue tokenization, SY is split into two components: principal token (PT) and revenue token (YT). This innovation allows users to split their earnings into independent tokens and operate flexibly in different market environments.

How Pendle AMM works

Pendle’s automated market maker (AMM) is one of its core engines. Both PT and YT can be traded through Pendle's AMM. Even if users do not know much about the working principle of AMM, they can still easily trade PT and YT. This design allows even novice users to get started quickly and enjoy the revenue management convenience brought by Pendle.

vePENDLE and the interest rate derivatives market: As an interest rate derivatives agreement, Pendle’s goal is to introduce the interest rate derivatives market of traditional finance into DeFi, and the nominal value of this market has exceeded US$40 billion. By creating a yield trading market in DeFi, Pendle unlocks the full potential of yield, allowing users to execute more advanced yield strategies.

For example, users can obtain fixed income through stETH, or establish a long position on the yield and purchase more income tokens to bet on the increase in stETH's yield. Additionally, users can earn more without increasing risk, such as leveraging their stETH to provide liquidity.

Application of Advanced Yield Strategies

In Pendle’s ecosystem, users can flexibly apply various yield strategies to maximize their investment returns. Here are a few common strategies:

Fixed income strategy: Obtain stable income by holding stETH, suitable for risk-averse investors.

Long position strategy: Users can buy more yield tokens and bet on rising yields, thereby earning higher returns.

Liquidity provision strategy: Use stETH as a liquidity provider to earn transaction fees, which can not only earn profits but also reduce risks.

The flexible use of these strategies allows users to find appropriate operating methods in different market environments, thereby maximizing their returns.


As an innovative yield trading protocol, Pendle provides users with flexible and powerful yield management tools through the introduction of yield tokenization, automated market makers and interest rate derivatives. In the ever-changing DeFi market, Pendle not only allows users to take the initiative in earnings, but also provides them with diversified strategy choices, allowing them to obtain the best returns in different market environments.

As DeFi continues to develop, Pendle will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in future income management and become an important tool for investors to achieve financial freedom.


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