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Your Guide to the MANTA Token: Understanding Token Economics and Its Value

2024-09-04 18:48:00

In today's rapidly evolving blockchain world, Manta Network stands out as a modular ecosystem designed for scalable next-generation decentralized applications (dApps). Manta Network currently offers two main networks:

Manta Pacific: This is a modular L2 ecosystem based on Ethereum that provides a scalable and low-cost transaction environment for next-generation dApps, helping applications transcend the limitations of traditional EVM environments.

Manta Atlantic: As the fastest ZK L1 chain on Polkadot, Manta Atlantic brings programmable ZK-powered private on-chain identities and credentials to Web3 via zkSBTs.

Manta Network provides an unparalleled environment that meets the scalability needs of dApps and modularly responds to the changing needs of dApps in the current and future markets.

$MANTA Overview

Basic information

Abbreviation: MANTA

Token type: ERC-20, native token

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 MANTA

Inflation plan: 2% annual issuance rate from January 30, 2024

Number of decimal places: 18

MANTA (Manta Pacific): 0x95CeF13441Be50d20cA4558CC0a27B601aC544E5

MANTA (BSC): 0x8581cc815e40615998f4561f3e24e68066293595xc

MANTA (MoonBeam): 0xfFFffFFf7D3875460d4509eb8d0362c611B4E841

Chain: Manta Pacific

Token function

The total supply of MANTA tokens will be 1,000,000,000 at genesis and 2% will be issued annually starting in 2024. Users holding $MANTA can participate in network governance and vote on the decisions of Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic. Additionally, the staking of $MANTA will contribute to the overall security of Manta Atlantic.

Resources and Applications: Governance: $MANTA token holders can participate in network governance decisions.

Staking: Staking $MANTA helps increase the security of Manta Atlantic.

Delegator Delegation: $MANTA holders can choose to delegate their token holdings to a delegator, or stake $MANTA to run their own delegator to secure the network.

Network Fees: Manta Atlantic uses $MANTA to pay transaction fees.

Native Liquidity and Collateral: The $MANTA token can be used in the Manta ecosystem as native liquidity and collateral.

MANTA uses in Manta Pacific

Manta Pacific is designed to facilitate on-chain activity and create value for token holders, contributors, developers and users. Here are some of the main uses of $MANTA:

Value accretion for token holders: Token holders will benefit from the productive redeployment of sequencer revenue as well as the gas cost savings generated by modular DA. Sequencer revenue and DA gas fee savings are primarily used to fund on-chain activity and zk applications, thereby driving demand for block space.

Direct benefits for developers and contributors: Developers and contributors will directly benefit from the retroactive financial support for on-chain activities and the market it opens. As a well-funded ecosystem attracts developers, the growth of tools, education, applications, and infrastructure will be facilitated. Revenue will be allocated to fund ecosystem projects and public goods, continuing to incentivize innovation, support early-stage projects, and drive the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in the Manta ecosystem.

Ongoing motivation from users and community members

Ongoing ecosystem and community incentives as well as project incentives funded by $MANTA will benefit users and community members. These values ​​come from the advantages brought by on-chain activities and zk applications.

Revenue Generation: Demand for $MANTA block space will generate an ongoing revenue stream, further enhancing the sustainability and growth potential of the ecosystem.

in conclusion

With its innovative design and powerful functionality, Manta Network provides an ideal environment for future decentralized applications. The $MANTA token is not only the core of the Manta ecosystem, but also an important bridge connecting developers, users and communities. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, Manta Network will play an increasingly important role in this process. Hopefully this article helped you better understand the MANTA token and its potential in the future.


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