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Filecoin Token: Exploring Archive Retrieval Market and Computing Technology

2024-08-30 19:52:45

Today, with the rapid development of digital assets, Filecoin token (FIL), as an emerging cryptocurrency, is gradually changing our understanding of data storage and retrieval. This article will take an in-depth look at Filecoin’s archive retrieval market, computing technology, and the capabilities of its virtual machine, and analyze its importance in the Web3 world.

What is the archive retrieval market?

The archival retrieval market refers to negotiated transactions between suppliers and customers for data retrieval. Under this agreement, the client agrees to pay a certain amount of FIL to the archive retrieval provider for access to stored data. During this process, clients are required to provide sufficient information to support archive retrieval requests, including:

Storage Provider ID: Provider ID where the data is stored.

Payload CID: Also known as data CID.

Address: The address initially used to create the storage transaction.

The accuracy of this information directly affects the efficiency and success rate of archive retrieval.

Basic file search

Currently, Filecoin nodes support archive retrieval directly from the storage miner where the data was originally stored. Customers can send archive retrieval requests directly to the storage provider and pay a certain FIL as the retrieval fee. This direct archive retrieval method not only improves the accessibility of data, but also reduces the cost of retrieval.

Saturn: Web3's CDN solution: In Filecoin's archive retrieval market, Saturn serves as a Web3 content delivery network (CDN) focused on serving data stored on Filecoin with low latency and low cost. Saturn is made up of independent archive search providers dedicated exclusively to this business, making archive search an efficient, fast and reliable operation.

The importance of data calculations

In data management, in addition to storage and retrieval, data transformation is also a common requirement. The goal of computing protocols is usually to perform calculations on IPLD (InterPlanetary Linked Data), which is the data layer used by content address systems such as Filecoin. Currently, there are multiple working groups studying different types of calculations on Filecoin data, such as massively parallel calculations (such as Bacalhau) and cryptographically verifiable calculations (such as Lurk).

Bacalhau: A transparent distributed computing platform: Bacalhau is a public, transparent and optionally verifiable distributed computing platform. It enables users to run arbitrary Docker containers and WebAssembly (wasm) images as tasks against data stored in the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). This approach not only improves computing flexibility, but also performs calculations where the data exists, avoiding the need to move data to external computing nodes.

Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

The Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is the running environment for smart contracts on the Filecoin network. Smart contracts enable users to perform any bounded computation, including creating and enforcing rules for storing and accessing data. FVM is responsible for executing these smart contracts and ensuring their correctness and security.

FVM is designed to support native Filecoin actors written in Rust, as well as smart contracts written for external runtimes, including Solidity contracts for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Secure EcmaScript (SES), and eBPF. According to FVM’s roadmap, smart contracts written in Solidity will initially be supported, and eventually any language that can compile to WASM will be supported.

in conclusion

The Filecoin token is more than just a digital asset, it is the core of an ecosystem that promotes innovation in data storage, retrieval, and computing. With the development of the archive retrieval market, the application of Saturn CDN and the launch of FVM, Filecoin is providing a new data management model for the Web3 world. In the future, as the technology further matures, Filecoin will continue to play an important role in the field of digital assets and provide users with more efficient and secure data processing methods.


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