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Learn more about Filecoin’s storage model

2024-08-30 19:28:54

Filecoin is a decentralized storage network designed to provide secure and efficient data storage solutions. This article will take an in-depth look at Filecoin’s storage model, including its main components, how the storage market works, and the mission and benefits of Filecoin Plus.

Storage model overview

Filecoin's storage model consists of three main components: Providers, Deals, and Sectors.

Providers: Providers are the core of the Filecoin network. They provide storage and retrieval services to users. Providers are divided into two types:

Storage Providers (SPs): These providers are responsible for storing files and data on the network for customers and providing cryptographic proofs to verify the validity of the storage. Most of the providers of the Filecoin network are storage providers.

Retrieval Providers (RPs): The main task of retrieval providers is to provide users with fast access to data. They focus on fast retrieval of data rather than long-term storage. Although many storage providers also offer retrieval services, an increasing number of independent retrieval providers are joining the network.


In the Filecoin network, storage providers and retrieval providers provide storage or retrieval services to data customers through transactions. These transactions are negotiated and agreed upon between the two parties and include data size, price, transaction period and security deposit.

The transaction process is conducted off-chain. Once the two parties agree on the terms of the transaction, the transaction is published to the chain for the entire network to view and verify.

Block: Block is the basic unit of provable storage. Storage providers store customers’ data in these blocks and generate PoSt (Proof of SpaceTime) on behalf of the Filecoin network. Blocks have a standard size and lifespan, and storage providers can extend their usage before their lifespan expires. Filecoin supports block sizes of 32 GiB and 64 GiB.

storage market

The storage market is the entry point for data into the Filecoin network, where storage providers and customers negotiate and issue storage transactions.

Transaction life cycle: In the storage market, the transaction life cycle consists of four clear stages:

Discovery: The customer identifies potential storage providers and inquires about pricing.

Negotiation: After the customer selects the storage provider, the two parties reach transaction terms.

Publishing: The transaction is published on the chain.

Handoff: The transaction is added to the block and the storage provider can prove the storage of the data.

Filecoin Plus

The mission of Filecoin Plus is to maximize the amount of useful storage on the Filecoin network. The goal is to bring more meaningful and valuable data to the Filecoin network by providing cheap or even free storage to verified customers. This mechanism works around datacaps, which are quotas allocated to verified customers for storing data, and increases the incentives for storage providers.

Verified customers can bring data into Filecoin using data quotas, which are provided by community-selected allocators. In return, storage providers receive data quotas when storing verified transactions and enjoy a 10x increase in storage capacity, which ultimately increases their block rewards.

Data Quota: A data quota is a token allocated to verified customers that can be used in storage transactions. This mechanism not only facilitates the storage of useful data, but also creates higher revenue potential for storage providers.

in conclusion

Filecoin's storage model not only creates a decentralized storage ecosystem, but also promotes effective storage and retrieval of data through the storage market and the mechanism of Filecoin Plus. As more users and providers get involved, Filecoin will play an increasingly important role in the future of data storage. This innovative model not only improves storage security and efficiency, but also provides users with more choices and flexibility.


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