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The Future of EOS Tokens: Major Updates to the RAM System

2024-09-04 18:23:25

The EOS blockchain recently made an important update to its RAM system, which was implemented by upgrading to system contract v3.3.0. This update not only enhances the flexibility and efficiency of RAM, but also improves its overall practicality. For developers and users, this series of innovations will unlock new application dimensions for them, promote more dynamic resource management, and cultivate a more sustainable and scalable ecosystem.

Introduction of Transferable RAM

A key highlight of this update is the function of transferable RAM. This breakthrough innovation allows users to transfer RAM between different accounts without paying any fees. This change not only meets the demand for smoother RAM management, but also enables users to efficiently allocate and reallocate resources according to their needs. Specific highlights include:

Zero-fee transfers: Users do not need to pay any fees when transferring RAM, reducing the cost of use.

Transfer of uncommitted RAM: Users can transfer only uncommitted RAM, increasing flexibility.

require_recipient notification: This feature ensures clear communication between senders and receivers.

Meme field limit: limited to 256 bytes, promoting effective communication between parties.

Diversity of RAM Utilities

To further enhance the user experience, EOS has launched the RAM Utilities application. The application provides basic functions for EOS RAM management, including:

Buy RAM: Users can buy RAM for any account.

Sell RAM: Users can reclaim EOS by selling RAM.

Transfer RAM: Users can transfer RAM to other accounts.

Burn RAM: Users can remove RAM that is no longer needed from circulation.

With these features, users can manage their RAM resources more conveniently.

RAM Logging and Notification Features

New RAM logging and notification features have also been integrated. This feature confirms the bytes sent or received in RAM transactions through inline operations, ensuring that payers and recipients have accurate information about the transaction details. This new feature enables smart contracts to use these notifications to determine the exact number of bytes of RAM purchased, not just the amount of EOS spent. This transparency provides a trustworthy environment for all EOS users, ensuring that participants have all the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Option to burn RAM: Users can now burn RAM from their accounts, and this feature sends the burned RAM to the eosio.null account. Importantly, this action will not impact the RAM Bancor market or overall RAM supply, keeping the market stable while providing users with more control over their RAM holdings.

Mechanisms for Safely Purchasing RAM

With the Buy RAM for Self action, users are able to enjoy increased security when purchasing RAM. This action prevents potential misallocations, increasing trust in the integrity of the system. Additionally, this action can be safely whitelisted, allowing web applications to purchase RAM for accounts as needed without becoming a potential attack vector.

Technical Improvements & Prerequisites: The EOS team has carefully outlined the prerequisites and technical details for these new actions, ensuring seamless integration into the existing ecosystem. These include specific prerequisites for RAM transfers and burning, such as sufficient ram_bytes and account requirements. Detailed API changes and action return structures provide developers with the tools they need to incorporate these features into their applications.

Use Cases & Impact

These enhancements open up a variety of possibilities for EOS users and developers. For example, the EOS account creation process is now more streamlined, and ramtransfer enables efficient account setup. In addition, these changes also facilitate the development of RAM token wrappers, improving the composability and efficiency of the DeFi ecosystem. As these features go live, the EOS community will experience enhanced RAM management capabilities, creating a more efficient, flexible, and user-friendly environment.

Prospects for RAM Tokenization: Another major initiative on the horizon is RAM tokenization. The eosio.wram contract aims to introduce a flexible mechanism for managing system RAM through a tokenization process, providing a seamless wrapping and unwrapping process at a 1:1 ratio. Central to this transformation is the ability to convert RAM into tokens and vice versa, providing unprecedented opportunities to list these tokens on centralized exchanges and track them on platforms such as CoinMarketCap.

Future Outlook

As EOS continues to grow, these updates represent a significant step forward in the blockchain's efforts to optimize resource management and utility. EOS sets the price of RAM through a system that adjusts based on RAM availability, powered by the Bancor Automated Market Maker (AMM). This unique mechanism ensures that the price of RAM adjusts in real time as the amount of EOS in RAM changes.


The updates to EOS RAM are not only a technological advancement, but also a promise for the future. With the introduction of new features and mechanisms, users of the EOS ecosystem will be able to enjoy more efficient resource management and more flexible operations. Join us as we continue to explore and expand the capabilities of EOS RAM and become part of this exciting digital asset conversation. Learn more below and join the discussion on Telegram!


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